Spanish-to-Spanish conversions to text of audio/video files with any kind of content: interviews, business/working meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences, trials, theses, classes and any other sort of event. 


Clarity and Transparency

A simple quotation system: price per time unit.  linguistic Services  works with a specific €/minute pricing which will enable you to calculate the exact amount of the task you need before it is done.

* Assuming audio files of over 1 hour. Please enquire for smaller audio sizes.

Prices in British Pounds. For Euro currency please CLICK HERE. (If applicable, 21% VAT excluded).

All final cost estimates must be confirmed by linguistic Services in writing in advance of payment.


Delivery time: 5 weekdays. If an urgent 2-working-day delivery is required, an extra £0.25/min will be charged.

Payment:  Bank Transfer or Paypal.


            Please feel free to request a NO-OBLIGATION QUOTE by either

 filling out  this online form or emailing us at Thank you.